
MJA urges transparency in election process

Maldives Journalist Association (MJA) has called on the Elections Commission (EC) to ensure transparency when providing information to the media regarding the presidential election.

MJA said in a statement issued today that following the annulment by the Supreme Court of the result of the first round of the presidential election and the court order to hold the first round again, the EC did not hold a press conference to announce their decision to hold the first round re-run on 19 October; instead, this information was provided separately to individual media groups.

MJA noted that during the preparations for the first round of the presidential election, the EC held press conferences and contacted designated focal points within media groups to provide information; however, after voting was conducted for the first round and the result was announced, no press conference was held to provide information on the preparations and processes related to the election.

MJA said that the EC, instead of trying to ensure transparency and explaining issues to the public, seemed to be providing information to individual media groups and conducting things ‘in secret’.

MJA said that this results in different media groups relaying information differently in relation to the same issue, which in turn confuses and misleads the public.

MJA said that precious time has been wasted due to the implementation of the re-registration process in violation of the Supreme Court order by the EC, which has also caused the public to lose confidence in the entire system as well as serious problems for the country’s future.

MJA urged the EC to confirm that the ballot papers used in the election are legitimate, that the system employed in transporting the papers from one location to another is secure, and that one person is not allowed to cast more than one vote.

MJA also called on groups working for rights and transparency, to carry out their duties responsibly.

The EC has also been advised by the Media Council, to refrain from discriminating between media groups when providing information.
