
Cleared garbage ground starts to accumulate concrete rubble

People have started to dump concrete rubble on the Garbage Dumping Area Number 1 in Male’, after the military recently cleared the long-standing “mountain” of concrete rubble that had accumulated in the area.

The area was recently cleared by the Maldives National Defefence Force (MNDF) and handed over to the Male’ City Council following protests and complaints of fumes originating from the area due to repeated fire incidents that had started to effect the students in the nearby Imaduddin School and also the public.

Different groups have again started to dump demolition concrete rumble in the area, numerous times each day.

Male’ City Council Member Ahmed Sujau said that they were forced to allow the dumping, as “currently have no other choice.”

“Dumping this concrete rubble in the area has come a real issue for us. People of Galolhu (ward) are already preparing a petition against this. We’re trying clear plot number four, currently under STECLO, and to divert to rubble there,” he said.

Sujau said that STELCO has been repeatedly notified to clear plot number four. The company has refued to heed their order, he said, including an instruction to clear the road adjacent to the plot.

“We hope that they clear it soon. The plot was never granted to STELCO,” Sujau said.

Garbage Dumping Area Number 1 was cleared and handed over to the Male’ City Council on the 21st of last month.
