The Behavioural Committee of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) has decided to remove Umar Naseer from the party, after Umar failed to make a public apology within the given timeframe for the remarks he made at a rally he held against the party’s Basic Regulation.
Sun Online understands that the Behavioural Committee has also decided to submit its decision to remove Umar from the party to the party’s Council. The Council will decide on how to proceed with the Committee’s decision. This decision was made unanimously by the committee members present at the meeting.
PPM’s Basic Regulation gives the Behavioural Committee the power to remove, advise and suspend people following behavioural issues.
The Basic Regulation also states that a member who is not satisfied with a decision of the Behavioural Committee has the right to file the case to the party’s Appeal Committee.
Umar said earlier that PPM could face an earthquake and be ‘destroyed’ if he is removed from the party.