
No-confidence motions against Dr Jameel, Nazim and Gasim to the withdrawn

The Parliamentary Group of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has decided to withdraw the no-confidence motions submitted to the parliament against Home Minister Dr Mohamed Jameel Ahmed, Defence Minister Mohamed Nazim and Judicial Service Commission (JSC) Member Gasim Ibrahim.

Parliamentary Group Leader of MDP, Hinnavaru MP Ibrahim Mohamed Solih told Sun Online in an interview tonight that the motions were withdrawn because the issue of secret voting had resulted in difference in opinion between several MPs, and because they did not want to further rouse the parliament.

“The Supreme Court has issued a ruling on the parliament regarding the secret-vote issue, and the debate on one of the no-confidence motions has been completed. There are some MPs who are complaining about the cases not being put on the parliament agenda. We don’t want to create further unrest at the parliament, so we are going to withdraw these motions. But we will take them up again once the General Committee makes a decision on the voting issue,” he said.

Nonetheless, MDP has not recalled the no-confidence motion against President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik.
