
Penal Code Bill opened for public comments

The parliament has completed its study of the Penal Code Bill, which was submitted seven years ago, and opened it for public comments. The bill stipulates policies on reducing the death penalty sentence, and states that the duration of a prison sentence shall not exceed eleven years.

The draft of the bill published by the parliament today states that intentional murder is a crime, while unintentional murder is categorised under crimes of zero degree.

The penalty for zero degree crimes is the death penalty or imprisonment for a duration not exceeding eleven years. The present Penal Code states that if the death penalty is pardoned, it becomes a prison sentence of 25 years.

The bill describes the policy on granting clemency for murderers, and says that if the murderer is greatly affected psychologically or emotionally following an unintentional murder, the crime would not be categorised as murder. It states that similarly, if the person had been influenced by his psychological state or emotions when he committed the murder, the murder would not be categorised under intentional murder. Also, the death penalty cannot be given if adequate reason exists for the person to have committed murder.

The 280-page bill states that if a person is killed as a result of a crime with no intention of murder, the person shall not be given the death sentence; he shall instead be sent to prison.

The bill states that a lower court ruling to give the death sentence would be automatically appealed. This clause states that the High Court must review the case and all of its legal points and procedures.

The parliament office said that the opportunity for the public to express comments on the bill will remain open until 31 March 2013.
