
Tahajjud prayer at 24 mosques in Male’ area in the last 10 days of Ramadan

Masjid al-Sultan Muhammad Thakurufaanu al- Auzam (Islamic Center) in Male’ City. (Sun Photo)

Islamic Ministry has announced 34 mosques from Male’ area where Tahajjud prayer will be performed in the last 10 days of Ramadan.

The Ministry disclosed the mosques via an announcement on Wednesday. They include 21 mosques in Male’, three in Vilimale’, six in Hulhumale’ Phase I and four in Hulhumale’ Phase II.


·       Islamic Center

·       King Salman Mosque

·       Masjid Al-Sultan Mohamed Bin Abdullah (Viyafaariveringe Miskiy)

·       Masjid Al-Sultan Mohamed Bin Shamsuddin (Bandaara Miskiy)

·       Masjid Al-Sultan Mohamed Bin Fareedhul Awwal (Dhunburi Miskiy)

·       Masjid Al-Sultan Hassan Izzuddin (Thaiba Miskiy)

·       Masjid Al-Salaahuddin

·       Masjid Al-Furqan

·       Masjid Al-Jalaluddin

·       Masjid Al-Ibrahim

·       Masjid Al-Nur

·       Masjid Al-Shaheed Ali

·       Masjid Al-Iskandhar

·       Masjid Al-Shaheed Abdul Rahman (Fandiyaaru Miskiy)

·       Masjid Al-Sultan Mohamed Imaadudin (Ran Miskiy)

·       Masjid Al-Sheikh Mohamed Jameel Didi (Faifuhey Miskiy)

·       Masjid Al-Ali Hussain (Maaveyo Miskiy)

·       Masjid Al-Zikra

·       Majid Al-Afeefudheen

·       Temporary mosque (Boduge)

·       Maafannu new mosque


  • Masjid Al-Sheikh Qasim Mohamed Bin Al-Thani (Phase I)
  • Masjid Al-Aziza Moosa (Phase I)
  • Masjid Al-Walidain (Phase I)
  • Masjid Al-Mohamed (Phase I)
  • Masjid Al-Asthiqau (Phase I)
  • Masjid Al-Rasheed (Phase I)
  • Masjid Al-Ameel Jaleel (Phase II)
  • Masjid Al-Abu Bakrih Siddiq (Phase II)
  • Masjid Al-Usman Bin Affan (Phase II)
  • Masjid Al-Hassan Adam (Phase II)


  • Masjid Al-Salam
  • Masjid Al-Ikhlaas
  • Masjid Al-Birri

Meanwhile, 23 mosques from the Male area have been designated for i'tikaf: 15 mosques from Male, five mosques from Hulhumale’ Phase I, two mosques from Hulhumale’ Phase II, and one mosque from Vilimale.

Since the commencement of this Ramadan, Tharaweeh prayer has been performed at 24 mosques in Male’ every night, with young Hafizes leading the prayer. 
