Vice President of Gaumee Party Dr Mohamed Jameel Ahmed has been summoned to the Police office tonight as well, stating the need for clarification of information regarding an ongoing investigation as a reason.
Abdulla Saeed, Dr Jameel’s lawyer, said that a notification has been received requesting Dr Jameel’s presence at the Police office at 8.30pm. The notification says that this summon is regarding “obtaining information regarding an ongoing investigation.”
He further said that Jameel will comply with the Police request tonight, but that he does not believe that the Police will not arrest and take him to Dhoonidhoo tonight as well, against the laws.
“What we will accept, and hope for, is that they do things according to the laws and regulations. However from the way things are going now, it is not likely that this will be the case,” Saeed said.
Last night, the Criminal Court ordered the release of Dr Jameel, stating that his arrest was in violation of the Constitution.
In the order issued by Criminal Court, they said that Jameel was arrested twice under accusations of the same crime, and the same evidence was presented both times. The order further says that while the Police claim that Jameel is a dangerous individual for the society, they cannot prove or provide evidence for this claim.