Dr Jameel has been released following an order by Criminal Court, which states that he was arrested against the rules of the Constitution.
Standing outside the Court immediately after his release, Dr Jameel said that the order issued by the court tonight shows that the rules of the Constitution have been broken and that he had been deprived of his right to remain silent.
Jameel said that a group of Police Officers used their power to arrest him, and to deprive him of the right to remain silent as guaranteed by Act (48) (c ) of the Constitution.
“Even though the Constitution gives me this right, the Police arrested me and said that I will be questioned, that I cannot remain silent, that investigations will be continued. Today’s court order shows that things cannot be done this way,” Jameel said.
Jameel said that the court order also proves that the Police can no longer silence people who raise their voices for the protection of religion and economy by slapping them across the face.
In the order issued by Criminal Court today, they said that Jameel was arrested twice under accusations of the same crime, and the same evidence was presented both times.
The order further says that while the Police claim that Jameel is a dangerous individual for the society, they cannot prove or provide evidence for this claim.
Also, if a person is released following a “Habeas Corpus” order, the same person cannot be arrested again for the same crime without a court order.