
Op-ed: A Journey of Discovery: My Experience in China

The following is an op-ed written by Ahmed Hussain, from the Maldives Meteorological Service.


As I prepared to embark on a two-month training program at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST) in China, my mind was filled with anticipation and curiosity. Questions like, “What will China be like?” “Will I be able to tolerate the cold temperatures?”, and “Can I adapt to the local cuisine?” raced through my thoughts. Little did I know that this experience would not only expand my knowledge but also leave me with a deep appreciation for China’s culture, people, and technological advancements.

Along with 13 other colleagues from various government organizations in the Maldives, we arrived in China on September 14, 2023. Our training was held at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Regional Center at NUIST. From the very first day, I was struck by the safety and cleanliness of the environment. The cities were remarkably clean, and I felt safe exploring the urban landscapes. The politeness and friendliness of the people, despite the language barrier, made navigating the country a pleasant experience. China’s technological advancements have bridged many gaps, including language, making communication easier than ever.

The training program itself was meticulously organized and delivered by highly qualified professors and PhD holders. The lectures were not only informative but also engaging and interactive. We had the opportunity to participate in hands-on training sessions that brought theoretical knowledge to life, providing us with practical skills applicable in real-world scenarios.

One of the most delightful aspects of my time in China was the local cuisine. I was pleasantly surprised by the healthy balance of green vegetables and meat in Chinese meals. The emphasis on health and wellness was evident not only in the food but also in the lifestyle of the people. It was common to see people of all ages and genders gathering in parks or open spaces in front of shopping malls to exercise together, a testament to the Chinese commitment to maintaining good health.

Our training schedule was packed with exciting lessons, sightseeing tours, visits to different universities, and cultural classes. These cultural sessions were particularly enlightening, as they introduced us to the rich history and traditions of China. The diverse lifestyles across various provinces, the local cuisine, and the unique cultural practices were truly fascinating. China’s deep respect for its culture and traditions, which have been preserved over 5,000 years, is something truly admirable.

As we traveled to different parts of China, including Anhui Province, Lianyungang City, Wuxi City, Guangzhou City, and Shanghai City, I was continually amazed by the country’s technological advancements and how they have been utilized to foster development. Each city we visited was not only technologically advanced but also exceptionally clean, with a strong emphasis on preserving natural beauty.

A particularly memorable visit was to Dawan, a small village in Anhui Province. This village, once poverty-stricken, has undergone a remarkable transformation. The Chinese government has not only built modern houses for the villagers but also provided them with opportunities to generate income through farming and improved infrastructure. The contrast between the old and new parts of the village was a powerful testament to China’s commitment to eradicating poverty and improving the lives of its citizens.

Contrary to some Western media portrayals of China as an unfriendly or unsafe country to visit, my experience was entirely positive. The people were warm and welcoming, travel was affordable, and the public transportation system, particularly the metro, was clean and efficient. In fact, China was the safest country I have ever visited. The vibrant nightlife, advanced technology, and overall excitement of the country left a lasting impression on me. I was particularly fascinated by how technology has been integrated into everyday life, such as being able to check the remaining time on traffic lights through a mobile app.

 Closing ceremony

As our departure drew near, I found myself reluctant to leave. It felt as though our two-month stay had flown by in just a week. The warmth and hospitality we received from the NUIST community made it feel like a second home, and leaving was bittersweet. My only regret was missing the snowfall in Nanjing by a week—an experience I had eagerly anticipated. As someone from the Maldives, where it’s perpetually summer, I was eager to witness snow for the first time. I hope to return to China in the winter to finally experience this. And, as for the cold weather, I found myself loving it, a refreshing change from the constant warmth of the Maldives.

In the end, my journey to China was more than just a training program; it was an eye-opening adventure that deepened my understanding of a fascinating country and its remarkable people.
