
HPA urges precaution over increased spread of diseases due to rain

IGMH road flooded following heavy rain. (Sun Photo/Mohamed Maavee)

Health Protection Agency (HPA) has warned against the spread of diseases amid rainy weather conditions across the Maldives.

HPA, in a statement on Wednesday, urged the public to take precautions ahead of time in light of the current weather conditions. They emphasized the increased possibility of the spread of diseases due to the retention of water at various places due to heavy rain, flooding and septic tank overflows.

In light of this, the health agency has forecasted the increased possibility of the spread of diseases including mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and Zika virus. Other diseases they have warned against include diarrhea, vomiting, diseases caused by waste from cats and rats, and respiratory diseases caused by fungus.

HPA has advised to seek medical care if showcasing a symptom of any of the aforesaid diseases.

They have also advised to take the following precautions against diseases:

  • Avoid floods and puddles from rain, especially not letting children play in floods and puddles
  • Using waterproof clothing if it is necessary to get into the water for any reason (rubber boots, rubber gloves and waterproof coats)
  • Avoid floods and puddles if you have a skin rash unless necessary and to properly cover the rash with a bandage in such circumstances
  • Those involved in draining the water and cleaning adhering to the instructions provided by HPA
  • Frequently washing hands with soap
  • Not using food products contaminated by water
  • Using cooked rainwater or supplied water and bottled water for consumption and washing dishes
  • Removing water from items in public spaces that could retain water and closing them
  • Cleaning drainage

HPA, in its statement, noted some institutions providing healthcare were impacted by the rain. However, they stressed that services were being provided at these institutes without interruption.

Health Ministry is closely monitoring such incidents, HPA added. 
