

Latest statistics have shown that the expatriate workers’ community in the Maldives has reached 79,777. This has been contrasted strikingly with the local population of about 330,000.

According to the statistics, 73,629 male foreign workers work in the Maldives, while the total of female expatriate workers is at 6184.

Most foreign laborers are employed in the construction industry, where there are 34260 of them. Second comes the tourism industry, which has employed 13488 expatriates. In the fishing industry there are 1103 foreign workers.

4595 foreigners work at teashops, cafés and restaurants, while 2114 foreigners work in the education sector. In the financial sector, the total is 6860, and 9946 expatriates work in the community and social services sectors.

According to a survey done in 2010, 98393 of the Maldivian population are employed, while 38493 people are unemployed. According to the statistics, unemployment rate in the Maldives was at 28.1 per cent.

According to the statistics, most expatriates in the Maldives are from Bangladesh, and out of the Bangladeshi foreign workers in the country, 69 per cent is residing in the Maldives illegally. 18 per cent of the remaining expatriates is also residing in the country illegally.

Illegal workers in the country have cost the government some 168.4 million rufiyaa, in unpaid visa fees during the years 2009, 2010 and 2011.
