Parliament Speaker Mohamed Nasheed (R) and Parliament Deputy Speaker Eva Abdulla (L). (Sun Graphics/Ali Shahin)
Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) announced the party’s decision to drop the no confidence motion filed against Speaker of Parliament and former President Mohamed Nasheed, and Deputy Speaker of Parliament Eva Abdulla.
The party filed the motions with the signatures of 54 parliamentarians, in June. The issue dragged on without moving forward in the Parliament, and was finally scheduled for Monday, September 11.
Following this, MDP’s parliamentary group leader MP Mohamed Aslam revealed to Sun that they have unanimously decided to withdraw the motions.
“Based on the current political climate in Maldives, and as we are in the midst of the Presidential Elections, we have decided to withdraw the case, with the hope of finding a smoother way to move forward in the Parliament without creating any further unrest.”
As the motions against both Speaker and Deputy Speaker were put forth at the same time, Nasheed had previously on numerous occasions requested to take back at least one.
Following the motions, both Nasheed and Eva recused themselves from presiding over sittings, leading to a deadlock.
Aslam highlighted the request from Nasheed, and expressed hope that the Parliament would be moving forward henceforth.