ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖިލީހުގެ ގުރައިދޫ ދާއިރާގެ މެންބަރު އިންތިޚާބު ކުރުމަށް ބާއްވާ ބައި-އިލެކްޝަނުގެ ތެރެއިން ގުރައިދޫ ޔޫތް ސެންޓަރުގައި ޤާއިމްކޮށްފައިވާ ވޯޓުލާ މަރުކަޒު (ކ.ގުރައިދޫ-2)ގެ ވޯޓުލުން ކުރިއަށްދަނީ. pic.twitter.com/RmODrf3FDt
— Elections Commission (@ElectionsMv) April 15, 2023
Elections Commission’s chairman Fuad Thaufeeq states the election is going smoothly, with no disturbances at any polling station.
68 voters have cast their ballots in Male’.
17 voters have cast their ballots in Male’.
The late Ibrahim Riza had won the 2019 parliamentary election with 47 percent votes. The MDP candidate had won 41 percent.
The three candidates contesting the election are all from Guraidhoo. They are:
The Guraidhoo constituency consists of Guraidhoo, Maafushi and Gulhi.
There are 515 people are registered to vote to No. 1 ballot box, and 618 people to the No. 2 ballot box.
There are 615 people registered to vote to the ballot box in Gulhi, and 713 to the ballot box in Maafushi.
Meanwhile, 451 people are registered to the ballot box at the Izzuddin School in Male’ City.
Polls opened in the Male’ and other islands at 08:00 am.