
Parliament will not violate Supreme Court order and ask for secret vote: MP Nasheed

Kulhudhuffushi-south MP Mohamed Nasheed has said that the parliament will not violate the Supreme Court order and ask for a secret vote at the parliament.

Speaking at the DhiTV Khabaruthereyn program last night, lawyer Nasheed said that even if parliament members are unhappy about the decision, the parliament will not act against a Supreme Court ruling or order.

“I am telling you very clearly, no matter how unhappy we are, we will not act against a Supreme Court order or a Supreme Court ruling. I am saying that the Majlis will not defy the Supreme Court order and ask for a secret vote,” said Nasheed.

Regarding the 14-day notice sent to Defence Minister Mohamed Nazim regarding a no-confidence vote against him in the parliament, Nasheed said that notifying Nazim does not mean that the parliament has acted against the Supreme Court order.

“The two orders issued by the Supreme Court [regarding the dismissal of the president of the Civil Service Commission and the issue on establishing secret voting] state two different things. Regarding the secret voting, it orders to halttaking secret votes. It does not order to stop the processes which may be carried out in relation to the secret voting,” said Nasheed.

The Supreme Court has also ordered not to continue any proceedings in relation to the dismissal of the president of the Civil Service Commission until the court finishes its deliberation on a case submitted to the court in this regard by an individual.

With regard to the establishment of the secret voting for no-confidence motions against the President and Ministers, Nasheed said that he does not believe that the Supreme Court can impose itself on such a decision made by the parliament, because the decision was made openly after due debates were carried out on the parliament floor.

“As a citizen, I do not believe that the Supreme Court can pass such a ruling. I am saying that it is the prerogative of the parliament to decide a manner in which they can dismiss the president and the vice president, as per article 100 of the constitution. The decision to establish secret voting on the basis of this prerogative is a decision for the Majlis to make. The decision should be made by the Majlis,” said Nasheed.

He said that the parliament decision is in accordance with the constitution because the decision was made after debates in an open atmosphere and said the he does not believe that the Supreme Court can pass such an order over the parliament.

Nasheed also said that whether the Supreme Court order is according to the constitution or not, the parliament will not proceed with the secret voting as long as the Supreme Court order stays upon the parliament.
