Drug Court has said the amount allocated for the Court in the budget forwarded to the parliament by the Ministry of Finance,is not adequate.
The court stated this in a report submitted to the National Drug Control Council, as required by the Drug Act.
The report states that the budget forwarded to the parliament has allocated an amount of MVR 12.9 million for the court and that the functions of the court will be restricted with such a small amount.
The report also highlights that the court has had difficulty recruiting legal officers. It states that the organizational structure of the court was designed to accommodate 4 legal officers while the court requires a minimum of 6 legal officers. It also states that the salary allocated for legal officers are not adequate to retain them.
The report states that since the court was formed, the judges have not been provided security, health insurance or risk allowance. The court said this was because the parliament had failed to approve these benefits to the judges and that the relevant institutions were in turn, not providing any support when informed of this matter.