Ooredoo Maldives' Annual General Meeting held on March 3, 2020. (Sun Photo/Fayaz Moosa)
Ooredoo Maldives has announced that its Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on March 8th.
While Ooredoo did previously state they will hold the AGM next month, they only set a definite date for yesterday. In this regard, the meeting will be held at 8:30pm on March 8th at the event hall in Crossroads Maldives.
Shareholders can register for the AGM until 8:30pm on March 6th. They can choose to physically attend the AGM or participate online. Physical attendance is limited to 120 shares holders.
Ooredoo said that the number of shareholders that can physically attend the AGM at the event hall of Crossroads Maldives will be 120. Shareholders who can attend physically will be informed before 6:00pm on March 7th.
Shareholders that will be participating online can do so through the online meeting management system “FahiVote” of the Maldives Securities Depository Company (MSD).
More information regarding the agenda of the meeting can be found on Ooredoo Maldives’ website.
Those who are registered as shareholders of Ooredoo Maldives as of 2:00pm on Thursday, February 16, 2023, will be eligible for the AGM. Shareholders who attend themselves or are participating via a proxy will receive one vote for every item on the agenda.
Ooredoo requests eligible shareholders to pre-register their attendance by submitting a “Pre-Registration Form”, and shareholders who wish to appoint a proxy to attend the AGM on their behalf to do so by submitting a “Proxy Form.” The appointment of a proxy can be revoked by submitting a “Proxy Revocation Form.”
Registration can be done through MSD’s online system “Infinity” or by submitting the forms by e-mail to [email protected] before 8:30 PM on the sixth of March. The form can also be submitted to Ooredoo Maldives’ office.
The pre-registration, proxy, and proxy revocation forms are available on the Ooredoo website.
Transport from Male’ to Crossroads is scheduled at 7:15pm and 7:30pm on the day of the meeting.
Ooredoo stated that as transport is already scheduled at set times, it will be difficult to arrange transport to Crossroads at times other than those already set and requests attendees to be as punctual as possible.