Parliament Speaker, former President Mohamed Nasheed speaks to press. (Sun Photo/Mohamed Naail Hussain)
Speaker of Parliament and President of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Mohamed Nasheed said that a Parliamentary System was the route to the party reigning.
Speaking at a gathering held to garner support for his visionary, Nasheed said that there would not be anyone in congress who would disagree that the Parliamentary system is the route for MDP to rule.
“The main reasoning behind me wanting to change systems is to ensure our party (MDP) that has been governing responsibly remains in power.”
He went on to state that in the Presidential system, the government has just about 25 percent support, and that people have not granted 50 percent to any party in a presidential election.
He added that to attain 51 percent, the support of smaller parties is needed.
“And so 60 percent of the government is given to those parties as cabinet posts.”
Moreover, he said that in a Presidential system, a big expense has to be made on political posts, civil service, and state-owned companies.
Hence, a small government, developing businesses, and supporting those to create employment opportunities are the most beneficial for Maldives as per Nasheed.
During a press conference held on Monday, he explained the timeline for his vision of changing the system of government in the Maldives.
Nasheed said he wished to make necessary amendments to the Constitution and take a referendum on the parliamentary system this year, and have a transitional parliamentary system in place starting February next year.
“To have the 2023 presidential elections held by an amended Constitution, and to have a full-functioning parliamentary system with the 2024 parliamentary elections,” he said.
He has submitted a resolution to MDP’s upcoming congress, calling to hold a referendum on changing to a parliamentary system, and to make major constitutional amendments if the referendum ends in favor of a parliamentary system.
The congress is scheduled to be held on August 19.