The management of GMR who currently manages the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport (INIA) has said that all necessary measures will be taken to ensure the safety and security of their staff and property.
In a statement released today, the company stated that the government’s decision to annul their agreement is a one-sided decision. The statement also stated that the decision has no legal grounds and that the company will face the required institutions as necessary.
GMR said that it has taken all measures to continue operations at INIA, thereby ensuring that this vital gateway to Maldives is kept open.
The statement also states that the decision was taken with total disregard to the arbitration process currently in progressin the designated Singapore courts.
The Government yesterday announced their decision to annul their agreement with GMR and has notified GMR to vacate the airport within a period of seven days.The company will be required to remove any property within a period of 30 days. GMR however, has said that they will not heedthis decision.