
MVR 133m increase for defence budget

The defence budget for 2013 has been increased by MVR133 million, or by 14 percent when compared with the same for 2012.

The estimated state budget for 2013 presented to the Parliament yesterday states that MVR930.9 million had been assigned for defence purposes, which is 5.5 percent of the total MVR16.9 billion budget.

For 2012, MVR797.9 million was assigned for defence purposes in the state budget, which was 4.8 percent of the total MVR14.6 billion budget.

Out of the MVR930.9 million assigned for defence purposes for 2013, MVR805.4 million will be spent on military defence, which is 4.7 percent of the total budget; and MVR125.5 million will be spent on civil defence, which is 0.7 percent of the total budget.

The amount assigned for Defence Ministry for 2013 is MVR913 million, while the amount assigned for the same for 2012 was MVR811 million.

Out of the total budget for Defence Ministry for 2013, MVR878.4 million is recurrent expenses, and MVR34.6 million is capital expenses.

Expenditure on Defence under Public Sector Investment Projects (PSIP) include MVR3.1 million for the construction of a troops accommodation building in Gdh. Thinadhoo, and MVR1.9 million for the establishment of barracks in Kaddhoo.

Meanwhile, the amount assigned in the budget for Maldives Police for 2013 was decreased when compared with 2012, from MVR808.6 million to MVR788.8 million.
