During the ceremony to hand over letters to the students who received the Tree Top Hospital's nursing scholarship. One of the students Noorul Hudha (far R) receiving her letter. (Photo)/Villa Collage)
Tree Top Hospital on Wednesday held a ceremony to hand over nursing scholarships to the selected seven students.
During the ceremony held at Tree Top Hospital, The Rector of VIlla College Dr Ahmed Anwar handover the scholarship documents to the recipients.
Speaking at the ceremony, Dr Anwar highlighted the work being done by Tree Top Hospital to train nurses, adding the scholarships provided today will grant the opportunity to students to seek the best level of education in the field.
Scholarships for two programmes, Bachelor of Science (Hons) Nursing (international (topup) from the University of West England from Villa College and Diploma in Nursing Programme from Villa College.
Recipients of the Bachelor programme are Ihusana Abdul Aleem and Noorul Hudha Ashraf. The Diploma programme was awarded to Hawwa Sana Rashaad, Fathimath Zaina Zaahir, Khadeeja Aayath, Shamma Mufeed Mohamed and Zindha Abdulla Didi.