Photo shows Velaanaage. The building where several government offices are located. (Sun File Photo)
The Parliament has passed amendments to the Employment Act where employees are entitled to 15 days of sick leave per year without submitting a medical certificate to their employees.
The law previously provided 30 days of paid leave without medical certificates for employees. Employers are also not required to provide leaves for two or more consecutive days upon the submittal of medical certificates.
The Joint Committee report on the matter was passed with the vote of 55 lawmakers today.
Under the amendments passed employees are entitled to 30 days of sick leave and employers have the discretion against providing sick leaves to employees if the employee does not produce a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner that stipulates the type of illness, and the duration of leave that is recommended to be taken when the employee reports back to work.
The amendments passed also provisions employees with the discretion take sick leaves of no more than two consecutive days without the submission of a medical certificate.