Sandies Bathala Resort. (Photo/Sandies Bathala)
Health Protection Agency (HPA), on Wednesday, announced it has lifted the temporary monitoring measures put in place on Sandies Bathala Maldives, after samples taken from an individual on the island who developed symptoms consistent with COVID-19 tested negative for the virus.
While the monitoring measures on Sandies Bathala have been lifted, measures were put back in place on Cinnamon Hakuraa Huraa as a precaution, after a foreign national at the resort island developed symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
The foreign national in question has been placed under self-isolation, and is being tested for the virus.
The monitoring measures will remain in place until HPA receives the test results and completes contact tracing.
13 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in Maldives, all of whom are foreign nationals who were either working or vacationing in resorts or safaris. Of the 13 people, five were from Kuredu Island Resort, two from Sandies Bathala, two from Kuramathi Island Resort, two from Anantara Dhigu, and two from Island Safari-1.
Eight have since recovered, but continue to be closely monitored in isolation facilities.
Maldives has now decided to suspend issuance of on-arrival visa, starting from March 27, in an effort to lower the risk of further virus cases.
Maldivian health authorities have warned the success in containing the virus so far did not make the risk the virus posed to the general population any less.
People have been urged to remain vigilant and stay at home.