
Pakistani man sentenced to life imprisonment for drug trafficking

Criminal Court of Maldives: The court has sentenced a Pakistani national to life in prison for trafficking drugs into the Maldives. (Sun File Photo/Mohamed Afrah)

The Criminal Court of Maldives has sentenced a Pakistani national who tried to smuggle drugs into the Maldives on a Sri Lankan Airlines flight two years ago, to life imprisonment and a fine of MVR 100,000.

A 42-year-old Pakistani national named Sharafaru Masih was charged with trafficking diamorphine into the Maldives.

The drugs were found in the sponge of Sharafru's backpack during a search conducted due to suspicious materials found in his backpack after he arrived in the country on October 25, 2017. The search revealed 387.4 grams of diamorphine taped up in his backpack. 

Sharafaru had confessed to the crime and the court had ensured this through a translator as well. His defense attorney Husni Mubarak stated that his client wished to speedup the sentencing.

The Criminal Court had sentenced Sharafaru to life in prison and a fine of MVR 100,000 which has to be paid to MIRA within a month for trafficking diamorphine into the country.
