Vice President of PPM, Umar Naseer has said that he told the Police that the ladders are broken, when he was summoned for the second round of questioning in relation to ‘planning to climb ladders and jumping off walls’ during the protests by then coalition at the end of former President Mohamed Nasheed’s government.
Umar was summoned to Police Office at 10:00 this morning.
“They have questioned me about the ladder issue previously, and this time it was the same thing. I told them, that the ladders are broken due to not having been used for a long time. I provided a statement on this issue. They couldn’t tell me where they were accusing me of putting the ladders,” Umar said.
Umar said that because the Police were not able to tell him the location at which the ladders were used, it is not likely that they have enough evidence to prove that he had committed a crime.
He added that being summoned to the Police twice in relation to the same issue could be the result of rivalry between political parties in the current coalition government.
Umar had said in a speech made during the protest on the night of 22 January 2012, that the protest should be turned into a movement, in which 2000 volunteers should fetch ladders, climb them, and jump off walls as instructed by him.
He had however not instructed which walls to jump off of.
Umar was summoned for questioning in relation to this issue on 26 January as well, but he refused to answer the Police’s inquiries on that day.