The police service in Gaafu Dhaalu Madaveli has decided to suspend the service in the island with no budget to pay rent to the police building on the island.
Talking to Sun Media today, the Vice President of the Madavli Island Council, Azam Mohamed said that the Madaveli Police Post was being run at a private property rented by the Council. He said that there is no way to pay the rent now so the police have been asked to empty the property after talking to the police and the Home Ministry.
He said that the people of the island wishes the police service in the island to continue without disruption.
Regarding the situation, Police said that the current policy to widen the police service in the atolls, the priority is for a Cost Sharing Basis with the Island Councils.
They said that the police service will be suspended after talks with the Council and the assistance form the councils are important for the police to do their duty.