A Police officer on duty in K. Kaashidhoo has died after being stabbed.
01:28 - He had sustained four stab wounds on his body.
01:39 - Commissioner of Police Abdullah Riyaz said on Twitter that the victim is Lance Corporal Adam Haleem.
01:42 - President Waheed on Twitter :
Strongly condemn the killing of a policeman while on duty. Enough of hate mongering against officers of the Law.
— Mohamed Waheed (@DrWaheedH) July 22, 2012
01:42 - Kaashidhoo Council President Ali Sultan informs that one person was arrested at around 00:45 in relation to this crime, and that the body of the deceased is currently lying in the Kaashidhoo Health Centre.
01:47 - Commissioner of Police Abdullah Riyaz on twitter :
LCpl. Adam Haleem killed in line of duty. A hero, a father of a 3y old son. My prayers with the family.
— Abdulla Riyaz (@riyazabdulla) July 22, 2012
01:48 - Kaashidhoo Council President said that there is no unrest in Kaashidhoo, in spite of this murder.
01:52 - A Police investigation team has been deployed to Kaashidhoo a short while ago.
01:53 - Lance Corporal Haleem is from Kaashidhoo. His address is Kethi, Kaashidhoo.
02:00 - President Waheed on twitter :
No excuses to kill anyone let alone policemen on duty. Shame on cowards hiding behind anonymity and inciting violence.
— Mohamed Waheed (@DrWaheedH) July 22, 2012
02:00 - Former President Nasheed on twitter :
Condemn the tragic murder of the policeman in K.Kaashidhoo in the strongest possible terms.
— Mohamed Nasheed (@MohamedNasheed) July 22, 2012
02:02 - From the Police website:
A Police officer has been stabbed and killed while he was walking to work in his uniform.
Police Lance Corporal Adam Haleem, S. Number 2290, was attacked at around 12:00 tonight in K. Kaashidhoo.
Adam Haleem, 26, is a citizen of K. Kaashidhoo. His permanent address is Kethi, K. Kaashidhoo. He leaves behind a wife and one child who is less than one year old.
On behalf of all members of Maldives Police Service and their families, we express our condolences to the family of the deceased.
02:10 - An official of Kaashidhoo Health Centre said that Adam Haleem was alive when he was taken to hospital, but died while being treated by a doctor.
02:13 - Police have arrested a man named Samaah in relation to this crime, who allegedly has a criminal record.
02:21 - Senior Community Health Officer of Kaashidhoo Health Centre Yoosuf Sujau said that Adam Haleem had a nine-inch deep stab wound on his chest, and that his condition was critical when he was brought to the Health Centre.
02:23 - Kaashidhoo MP Abdullah Jabir:
I strongly condemn this attack. It is extremely sad that such crimes are increasing. This is a result of MDP's efforts to spread false rumors about the Police, and their efforts to create hatred towards the Police. I will do everything possible at the Parliament to investigate this incident, and to prevent similar incidents in the future.
02:28 - Adam Haleem's mother has been admitted at Kaashidhoo Health Centre. The Health Centre informs that her condition is serious.
02:29 - The national flag and Police flag have been lowered to half mast following the death of Lance Corporal Adam Haleem.
02:31 - Home Minister Dr Mohamed Jameel Ahmed has said that he has spoken with Adam Haleem's father, who requested for a speedy investigation of this crime and also asked for the death penalty for the murderers. Jameel said that Haleem's family will be provided financial assistance as required by the law. He strongly condemned the act, and expressed condolences to the family. Jameel said that he had requested for a full investigation of the crime as soon as he received the news.
02:35 - The man arrested for this crime, Samaah, has been in house arrest following an assault incident two days ago.. He was released today.
02:38 - President of the Human Rights Commission of Maldives, Mariyam Azra:
We strongly condemn this crime. We are saddened by the murder of a Police officer. No group should speak in a manner which incites hatred towards another group. We have commenced a campaign to restore peace and order in our nation. We will hold discussions with groups who are currently protesting. We have talked to officers of Police and MNDF. We must all work together to reinstate peace in the Maldives.
02:54 -- Adam Haleem's mother has regained consciousness.She is at the Kaashidhoo Health Centre and her condition is serious. She has a history of heart problems.
02:56 - President of Adhaalath Party, Imran:
This is a national tragedy; an incident which has brought about a great challenge for the Police institution. The nation has ended up in this situation due to the work of a group driven by political motives. I encourage the Police. I express my condolences to the family of the deceased. This is a frightening incident. We lack discipline to the level that people's lives no longer mean anything. Such acts can only be stopped by implementing the death penalty.
03:01 - MP Mahloof:
What we are seeing tonight is MDP's version of democracy. This is the democracy which calls to attack the Police. I condemn this, and Nasheed and MDP should be held responsible for this.
03:19 - MNDF statement:
We are united with Maldives Police in mourning the death of Police Lance Corporal Adam Haleem, who has been stabbed to death in Kaashidhoo while on his way to work.
The Police force is urged not to allow this incident deter them from their services to the nation.
May the deceased rest in peace, and may God grant his family the patience to get through this tragedy.
MNDF strongly condemns this crime. It is not acceptable that the forces which protect and defend our nation are being attacked and killed. Encouragement of acts of violence should not be tolerated.
We call for the most strict punishment for the people responsible for these inhumane crimes.