Both the mobile phone and wallet belonging to Ismail Umar, 54, from Lh. Hinnavaru – found murdered inside the MIFCO ice plant in H. A. Ihavandhoo on Friday evening – have been discovered missing.
Ismail Umar had been a mechanic at the ice plant.
“Sun” has been informed that authorities were unable to find his mobile phone and wallet on his person or during the search of his living quarters.
Authorities have arrested five suspects so far – all of them expatriate workers who work in Ihavandhoo – one of whom worked at the ice plant itself and shared living quarters with Ismail Umar.
Ismail Umar’s salary doesn’t go to a bank account, but is giving to him in cash. It is therefore believed he must carry a lot of cash on him.
A source who spoke to “Sun” said the authorities have also discovered a knife from the drain in the ice plant, suspected of being the murder weapon.
This has not been confirmed by the police as it is an ongoing investigation.
An Ihavandhoo councilman reported that he did not know the details, but that it was believed Ismail Umar and his co-worker were at odds over a financial issue.
The co-worker was arrested from H. Dh. Kulhudhuffushi.
Ismail Umar’s body is to be buried this Saturday after the afternoon prayer.