More have tested positive for the H1N1 influenza (swine flu) spreading at an unprecedented rate across the country, and the new number of positive H1N1 cases will be released later this Wednesday, reports Health Protection Agency (HPA).
HPA released the number of positive H1N1 cases last on Monday night.
It had stood at 51 cases then; including a pregnant woman and a child.
An emergency C-section was performed last Tuesday night on another woman who was six months pregnant and shows signs of H1N1 influenza. Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital reports both the woman and child are in critical condition and show no signs of improvement.
Director of HPA, Maimoona Abu Bakr reports to “Sun” that there has been an increase in number of people who tested positive for H1N1.
Maimoona said HPA will be issuing a press statement later this Wednesday to release the updated number of positive cases and other details regarding the outbreak.
IGMH, ADK Hospital and Hulhumale’ Hospital have set up flu-clinics to deal with the outbreak.
There has been one fatality so far; a 26-year-old Maldivian man who died earlier this March.