
IUM gives Al-Hafiz Nabeeh scholarship

Islamic University of Maldives (IUM) has offered the autistic 14-year-old boy wonder Al-Hafiz Ahmed Nabeeh - who learned to recite the Quran by heart within three-months - an all-expense paid scholarship to study Quran at the university up to a master’s degree.

Chancellor of IUM, Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed reported to “Sun” that the university has decided to offer Nabeeh free education in Quran at IUM from certificate level to master’s degree level.

Nabeeh had been trying to get enrolled in private Quran classes since the age of two years, but was rejected due to his autism.

He finally learned the Quran by hiring a private tutor.

Nabeeh’s mother, Aminath Mohamed reported to “Sun” that IUM’s offer had given her great happiness and hope.

“The first dream has been achieved – which is that Nabeeh by heart the Quran. The second dream was for Nabeeh to go ahead in that field. I feel like the doors have been opened,” said Aminath.
