
Home Minister reiterates call to halt Border Control System project

Ministry of Home Affairs has notified Immigration Department to halt the $39 million Border Control System project, which is currently underway through Malaysia’s Nexbiz.

Immigration Department earlier said that 95 percent of the project has already been completed.

This is the second time Home Ministry calls to halt the project.

Minister of Home Affairs Dr Mohamed Jameel Ahmed said in an interview with Sun Online last night that Immigration Department had been notified yesterday through a letter to halt the project following concerns raised by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and the Attorney General.

“I believe that orders issued by independent institutions should be followed. The state should not incur losses due to such projects. It should not be continued until the concerns of ACC and Attorney General are addressed. It is questionable why Immigration Department is continuing with this project in this situation,” Dr Jameel said.

Dr Jameel stressed that the current government will work against acts of corruption.

“The government will not support any practice which facilitates corruption. We will work and take action in this manner,” he said.

Work on the Border control System project resumed when Supreme Court issued a Mandamus Order to annul High Court order to halt the project.

Immigration Department has indicated that the project will be launched soon.

The agreement made between Immigration Department and Nexbiz allows Nexbiz to charge $2 on every passenger traveling to and from Maldives, as well as $15 on every new and renewal visa application, for a period of 22 years.
