
MVR14.8 million collected to mosque fund

Ministry of Islamic Affairs has revealed that MVR14.8 million has been received as donations to the mosque fund.

Speaking at a press conference at the press room in Velaanaage, Minister Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed said that more donations were received than expected.

“A lot of this money will be spent on mosques in islands. We are open to any suggestion that agrees with regulations. The decision has been made to assist 12 areas, and money will be transferred soon. Finance Ministry has been asked to allow spending of MVR2,642,000,” Shaheem said.

He said that discussions will be held with the fund committee to utilise the money to build mosques.

He assured that the money will be spent according to laws and regulations, and said that details of how it is utilised will be revealed weekly by the Ministry.

Shaheem announced that three new mosques will be opened in Maldives before Ramadan - Ha. Thuraakunu mosque, Hulhumale’ mosque and Masjidul Imaaduddeen, located behind the Parliament Building, will be opened next week.

He also informed that Furgan mosque will be completed by the end of September.
