
BCS project 95 percent complete, while ACC fights to halt project

Controller of Immigration Dr Mohamed Ali has said that the $39 million worth Border Control System (BCS) project is almost ready for implementation.

Meanwhile, Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has accused the parties involved in the project of corruption, and made several attempts to halt the project.

Dr Mohamed Ali said in an interview with Sun Online that work is underway to train staff and install the necessary equipment at the airport.

“The work is ongoing at a fast pace, to install the scanners and cameras at the airport, and to train the staff. The system will be implemented soon,” he said.

He said that Nexbiz will provide additional laptops to Immigration Department staff as part of the training.

ACC had earlier seized 75 laptops, given to Immigration Department staff by Nexbiz, for investigation following suspicion of corruption.

ACC has also filed the case of BCS project to High Court.

Today, ACC refused to comment on the continuation of the BCS project despite their efforts to halt it.

The BCS agreement made between Malaysian company Nexbiz and Immigration Department allows Nexbiz to charge $2 on every passenger travelling to and from Maldives, as well as $15 on every new and renewal visa application, for 22 years.
