H. Dh. Vaikaradhoo lagoon is filled with rotting fish after poor water flow in the lagoon resulted in death of thousands of fish.
President of Vaikaradhoo Council, Ibrahim Mohamed reported this Sunday that dead fish started showing up at around 6 pm, last Saturday.
He said that locals gathered at least 4,000 dead bideye scad (mushimas) on Saturday night.
Ibrahim said that thousands of more dead fish were showing up, spreading the stench of rot into the island.
Ibrahim said the dead fish included at least 10,000 bigeye scad, as well as other sea
creatures including octopus and mantas.
“The harbor is built in such a way that there’s no proper water flow within the lagoon. It’s likely the water temperature got too high during low tide, resulting in the death of the fish,” said Ibrahim.
The 1,200-feet long Vaikaradhoo harbor was opened in January, this year.
Council reports the issue comes up every three months, with locals who swim in the lagoon complaining of skin irritation.
Ibrahim said the case had been reported to Health Protection Agency and Marine Research Center.
“Last night we took a sample of the water for analysis. And about 50 fish for research. When we informed the Marine Research Center, it said such research cannot be carried out in Maldives,” said Ibrahim.
Vaikaradhoo Council reported the council and Vaikaradhoo Health Center would be conducting a project to clean the lagoon to prevent any outbreak of illness.