
Maldives-India joint training exercise begins in Kahdhoo

The Maldives-India joint training exercise, Exercise Ekuverin 2016 (Exercise Friends) has begun in Laamu Kahdhoo today.

Exercise Ekuverin is an annual training program focused on maintaining the relationship between the armies of both the Maldives and India since 2009 where trainings and experience on operations such as counter terrorism.

The training program that began at the MNDF Central Area HQ today would continue through 29 December 2016 where the main focus waterborne operations and related military training.

While the trainings exercises would be conducted on the four connected islands of Laamu Atoll on land, sea and air, some exercise would be taking place on the uninhabited islands in the atoll according to MNDF.

Members of India’s Fourth Bihar Regiment are taking place in the program with the MNDF Marines taught by experience ranks of the Indian and Maldivian army.

Exercise Ekuverin was conducted last year at Trivandrum, India.
