The President’s Office has enforced a code of conduct for government politicians, which includes salary deductions for days on which they are absent from work.
The ‘Code of Conduct for holders of political posts’ enforced by the President’s Office describes behavioral standards, handling confidential information, use of authority and force, attendance and vacation issues, proper attire for work, and resignation procedures.
“This policy will regulate issues pertaining to government politicians. Prior to this, there was no policy to regulate their conduct. Now, similar to civil servants, they also have to adhere to policies. Before, not even their attendance was monitored,” Government Spokesperson Abbas Adil Riza said.
According to the new policy, a government politician who is absent from work for more than two days must present a medical certificate; failure to do which would result in salary deductions.
He would get vacation of thirty days excluding holidays, after one year of being appointed to the post. He would also get ten days excluding holidays as family responsibility leave.
A government politician is also entitled to maternity leave of sixty days excluding holidays, paternity leave of three days including holidays, leave in relation to child’s circumcision of five days including holidays, and Hajj leave of thirty days from the day of departure from Maldives.
The policy obligates the monitoring of attendance of government politicians. They are required to report to work at 9:30 during Ramadan and at 8:30 during all other months of the year, failure to do which would result in salary deductions.
Government politicians are fully accountable to the President, Vice President, and relevant Minister for their actions. They should prioritize the nation’s interest, accept and respect the government’s decisions, refrain from actions which contradict government policies, and refrain from actions which undermine people’s reputation and honor.
Confidential information conveyed to a government employee should not be shared to achieve objectives motivated by family or friend relations. Confidential information obtained as a result of his post should not be shared unless obligated by the law.
A government politician should not misuse his post for personal gains or for the benefit of other individuals. He should not misuse government property, funds, or any other means for any purpose other than what is required by his post.