State has provided financial assistance to the two families hardest hit by the fire in G. Esbarige fire, which took place in September.
The two families had been living in temporary housing in guesthouses in Male’ after the fire.
Their food was managed through assistance provided by National Disaster Management Center.
Director of NDMC, Hisaan Hassan spoke to “Sun” this Tuesday and said that the families had been provided financial assistance by the State, and that they had found permanent housing for themselves.
Hisaan did not specify on the amount of money, or for how long it would be provided to them.
21 people were provided temporary housing after the fire, with all but six people from two families able to return back to their apartments.
The two remaining families had lived in the two apartments that the fire caused the most damage to.
The fire in Esbarige – believed to be a result of an electricity short – had also caused damage to nearby buildings – G. Aseyna and G. Memory Villa.