
Adhaalath: Government asking employees to shave off beards is a violation against Islamic Faith

Adhaalath Party has said that making it compulsory for male employees to shave off their beards at some institutes of the government and the dismissal of the employees that refuse to obey that regulation is a violation against the Islamic Faith by the government.

The Party said today that it was a strategic plan to obstruct the expression of Islamic goals and the proph

The Adhaalath Party statement is believed to be made following the rumors yesterday about a number of employees from the Department of Immigration and Emigration were dismissed. Rumors on social media said that they were dismissed for refusing to cut their long hair and beard.

Immigration issued a statement regarding the rumors and declared them as false and said that the employees that violated the code of conduct and uniform regulations are being transferred to other positions.

Immigration said that if those employees wish to, they can be transferred to another position with the Civil Service and have been informed that Immigration would be providing assistance in their transfer.

The Department of Immigration said that they are an institute charged with the Constitutional responsibility of overseeing the Maldivian border. And so their employees must abide by the regulations regarding their uniform and code of conduct.

In their statement, Adhaalath Party said that the dismissal of Immigration employees due to their beards is the beginning of some form of project. And so the Party called to all religious scholars and institutes to change that policy.
