Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has passed to transfer four judges from three superior courts to other courts.
JSC said that the decision was made today following the Supreme Court’s request. And so the Judge Saeed Ibrahim from Criminal Court was transferred to Juvenile Court and Judge Ahmed Shakeel from the Juvenile Court was transferred to the Criminal Court.
And Judge Mohamed Isaafulhu from the Drug Court was transferred to Juvenile Court and Judge Sheikh Mohamed Naeem was transferred to the Drug Court from the Juvenile Court.
The JSC also passed to transfer the Chief Magistrate at the Kaafu Atoll Judiciary, Moosa Naseem to the Gaafu Dhaalu Gadhdhoo Court as the Chief Magistrate. And the current Chief Magistrate at Gadhadhoo Court, Abdul Gafoor is to be assigned as the Chief Magistrate at Vaavu Keyodhoo.
The Chief Magistrate at Vaavu Atoll Judiciary, Mohamed Raagib was transferred to the Kaafu Atoll Judiciary as the Chief Magistrate.
JSC said that the changes would be implemented 15 days from today.