A woman taking a picture of Police putting on traffic stickers on motorcycles near Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital has been arrested and had her statement taken before being released.
The woman, named Hamna Waheed, was arrested around 2 p.m. tonight after she took a picture of Police Officers putting traffic stickers on motorcycles near IGMH.
Hamna said that the Police first attempted to take her to the Police tow yard after arresting her but after she resisted, raised her voice and contacted her lawyer, she was taken to the Police Headquarters at Shaheed Hussain Adam Building.
She said that the Inspector at the Police HQ said that taking pictures is not a crime and one does not have to be a journalist to take pictures.
Hamna said that after she was taken to Shaheed Hussain Adam Building, she was initially told that she was arrested for disobeying Police orders. And after she resisted and said that no such events took place, she was ordered to sign a document of advisement.
While such documents are signed by those who have been suspected of committing a crime, Hamna said that she refused to sign it since she is not a suspect in any crime. After she said that, she was released at 9 p.m. after taking a statement of the events that took place.
Information Officer of the Police, Ismail Ali told Sun Media that she had now been released and did not give any further information.
Regarding the issue, lawyer and former Attorney General, Husnu Suood told Sun Media that the arrest of Hamna for taking pictures while issuing traffic stickers was against the law.
He said that it shows that the law is not taught to the officers during their training and such actions are violating the basic rights of some people.
Suood said that the National Integrity Commission must investigate the incident.