
Woman bleeding out after cesarean sent to Male

Woman who has been bleeding out since a cesarean at H.dh. Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital has been sent to Male’ for treatment.

The 33 year-old woman was being treated at Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital Intensive Care Unit due to the seriousness of her condition but there had been no cease in the bleeding.

Kulhudhuffushi Island Council President Ali Mohamed told “Sun” that the woman had been sent via seaplane, and that her condition was very critical.

Kulhudhuffushi Hospital has been unable for comment. However, “Sun” has been informed through sources that doctors had performed another operation and taken out her uterus in an effort to stop the bleeding.

The woman has been has been bleeding despite the second operation and a doctor from Male’ had been sent to Kulhudhuffushi along with a ventilator Friday night.

The condition of baby the woman had given birth to is improving though still being treated at ICU.
