The body of Ziyada Naeem from G.dh. Thinadhoo – a victim of sexual assault so severe she passed away while receiving treatment at Intensive Care Unit of Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital – was buried on Wednesday afternoon.
She was buried at Asahara Cemetery after afternoon prayer.
Ziyada’s body was brought back to Maldives Tuesday night after it was sent to India for postmortem.
Suspect in the case – her husband Ibrahim Shah, 40, is currently under police custody.
Ziyada’s death means that charges against him will turn from sexual assault to manslaughter.
The violent attack on Ziyada spurred country wide outrage, with people from Thinadhoo holding a rally against domestic violence and violence against women.
Police statistics show a significant rise in reported cases of domestic violence in the country.
The number is estimated to be higher as most cases of domestic violence go unreported.