Today’s session of the All-Party-Talks has ended after the parties agreed on a list of challenges faced in resolving the current unrest, and scheduled to discuss these issues in tonight’s session.
Today’s session of the series of talks in Bandos was held from 14:00 to 17:00. Discussions were held on the same topic as last night, which is ways to resolve the current unrest in the country.
Even though last night’s session was unsuccessful, each party today presented a list of issues to the moderator. About fifteen issues were highlighted, including the problems of Usfasgandu, crow cage, and black magic.
It is unclear if the moderator has compiled the list so far. Because the discussions are confidential, neither the moderator nor the secretariat has provided any information.
Today’s session was smoother than last night’s, during which things heated up a bit. Mobile phones were not allowed in today’s meeting, as agreed by all parties. It was suggested to open the discussions to the media, which was not agreeable to most parties.
Tonight’s session will begin at 21:00. The series of discussions in Bandos will end tomorrow morning.