Expatriate doctors and nurses working in Th. Atoll Hospital have refused to work and have gone on strike, abandoning a number of sick and admitted patients. They have started a strike claiming that the hospital management had failed to fulfill a number of obligations due to them.
5 doctors, 25 nurses and a number of other expatriate workers have gathered before the hospital area since today morning. According to an informer from Vaymandoo, the strike began at 9 o’clock in the morning.
Rashwan Adam, Deputy President of Th. Vaymandoo Council said affirmed the news, and said that foreign doctors and nurses working at Th. Atoll Hospital had met with Council officials at the Council Office to discuss their grievances.
Rashwan said that there had been disappointment and complains from sick people visiting the hospital over the matter, although no chaos had yet occurred.
Details of the complains and demands of the employees on strike have not yet been clarified.