HA. Dhidhdhoo council's name board and HA. Atoll council's name board was removed by the person who made the two boards because the councils have failed to pay him.
A person from the island told Sun that the boards were removed around 5:30pm yesterday. He said that the person who made the boards was saying that he will not return the boards until he is been paid.
Later some people from the island gave him the money and the boards were restored. The price for making the two boards were Mrf1700.
HA. Atoll council administration said that they are not aware of such an incident. Sun was unable to get a word from Dhidhdhoo Island Council.
Yesterday also in Dhidhdhoo some people have parked a dinghy in front of the council office. The dinghy was parked in front of the council after the council has asked to register marine vessels.
On 12th February 2006 Dhidhdhoo fishermen dumped two tons of fishes inside the office. That time it was because they were unable to sell those fishes to the government owned company, MIFCO boats.