
DRP will always support moderation: Thasmeen

Leader of Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) Ahmed Thasmeen Ali has said that DRP is a party which supports moderation.


Speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the new party office and station (Haruge), Thasmeen said that DRP’s main ideology is based on keeping things in moderation, and that it will not support stringent policies.

Thasmeen said that the eight parties currently represented in the coalition government are based on different ideologies. It is therefore natural to be divided in opinions on various issues, especially as there is no agreement made to concur on any issue. However they must cooperate to sustain the government until 2013 elections.

“The coalition government is made up of parties of different ideologies. And the parties will compete with each other in the next presidential elections,” Thasmeen said.

Thasmeen said that the main reason why DRP does not support the proposed changes by Financial Committee to Aasandha is that DRP, being a moderate party, cannot accept imposing any form of charge on citizens. DRP also decided against supporting the changes made the report produced by the Financial Committee because the standard of government health service had deteriorated over the past three years.

“If government hospital and clinic services are not improved, and if the public faces problems obtaining the services of private healthcare providers at the same time – this will be very sad for the people,” Thasmeen said.

In addition, DRP did not support the bill proposed by PPM calling for the withdrawal of Maldives from Commonwealth, because they did not believe that this was very responsible, and also because they support moderation.

Addressing about 150 members who were present the opening ceremony of the new office and Haruge, which were adjacent to one another and located on Faashanakilege magu, Thasmeen said that party activities had been slow over the past three months or so due to t he construction of the office and Haruge.

However from tonight onwards, party activities will commence in various regions of the country, and a special DRP TV program will also be shown two nights a week.
