
Maldives to host regional waste management forum

Ministry of Environment and Energy has announced that the sixth Asia Pacific Regional 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Forum will be held from 17 to 19 August 2015 at Dharubaaruge in Male’.

Speaking at a press conference at Hotel Jen today, Minister of Environment and Energy Thorig Ibrahim said that about 300 representatives from over 30 countries are expected to participate in the forum.

Environment Ministry said that the forum’s objective is to provide strategic policy advice to government authorities to mainstream 3Rs in the overall policy, planning, and development.

It further seeks to address policies, programs, measures, tools and technologies in the context of achieving resource efficiency, sustainable production and consumption, integrated solid waste management, sound material-cycle, low-carbon, and zero waste society, the Ministry said.

Thorig said that a National 3R Day will be organized one day prior to the forum, during which all resorts will sign a “Towards zero-waste” declaration to reduce waste and encourage proper waste management.

The forum is initiated by the Japanese government in partnership with United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD).
