

Adhaalath Party (AP) has informed the police that the rally planned for tomorrow, would be a peaceful one.

This has been confirmed to Sun Online by the police spokesperson, who said that the police had received a letter from AP to that effect.

Police and Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) said in a statement earlier this week, that they must be informed of planned assemblies and protests.

Police have assured that they would not obstruct peaceful assemblies, but said that based on reports received over the past week, the one planned for tomorrow is not likely to be peaceful.

Chapter 7 of the Freedom of Peaceful Assembly Act states that while it is not a requirement to seek permission to hold a peaceful assembly, in the event of a planned assembly, organisers shall give notice to the police.

The Act states that the purpose of giving notice is to allow the police sufficient time to prepare and take action, for example, to ensure the assembly is peaceful, to protect the rights of others, to ensure public security and peace, and to inform organisers of any restrictions that the police deem necessary.
