
Commencement of Second-Route Bus Service Postponed

Commencement of second-route bus service, due to begin tomorrow, has been postponed, reported MVK today.

Speaking on behalf of MVK, Hamid Naseem said that the postponement was the result of some unexpected problems, and that bus service on the route would begin as soon as possible after the problems are attended to. He did not give any specific details about the re-scheduling.

Bus service was introduced in Male’, the capital city of the country, for the first time on the 23rd of last month, and the first service route included some of the major streets in the city, including Fareedee Magu, Bodu Thakurufaanu Magu and Orchid Magu. MVK, a private company contracted to provide bus services in Male’, has since noticed that illegally-parked vehicles and road-blocking have posed considerable difficulties, and stressed that these problems should be solved if the service was to continue smoothly.
