
Transparency Maldives calls for fair legal proceedings for Nasheed, Nazim

Transparency Maldives has issued a statement calling for fair and transparent legal proceedings, free from politicisation and in accordance with the principles of justice, for former President Mohamed Nasheed and former Defence Minister Mohamed Nazim.

The organisation noted with concern the escalating political tensions in the Maldives, and appealed to all actors to uphold the rule of law and the constitution, and to engage in dialogue to resolve political disputes.

“Furthermore, TM calls on all state actors to follow due process entitled to all Maldivian citizens and to uphold democratic principles at all times in resolving political disputes. TM fears that if the rising political tensions are not resolved peacefully and within the constitutional remit, the political situation of the country may deteriorate further,” read the statement.

Criminal Court has issued an order upon the police to keep Nasheed, who was arrested on Sunday, in custody until the conclusion of the trial against him, on charges of terrorism following the arrest of Chief Judge of Criminal Court Abdulla Mohamed in 2012.

Nazim was arrested on 10 February 2015 on suspicion of possession of firearms and conspiring against the government. Both Nazim and his wife have been charged with possession of firearms, for which the first hearing has been scheduled for 4:00 p.m. today.
