
President Yameen recognizes and thanks countries that offered support during water crisis

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayyoom has said that “Closeness of friendly nations” have been verified during the water crisis in Male’ due to fire incident at Male’ Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC) on 4 December 2014.

In a ceremony held at Islamic Center on Wednesday, thanking to countries that offered support during water crisis, President Yameen said that some countries have provided quick assistance to Maldives regardless of their costs during water crisis.

By highlighting on the assistance of Maldivian business men in every tragedy faced to Maldives, President has thanked them for their support during water crisis.

India was the first country to provide aid during water crisis. In that regard, water has been delivered to Maldives in Indian military aircrafts and two navy ships.

China government also has contributed a lot of support during water crisis. Water from all commercial flights of China has been delivered to Maldives as free donations during that period of time. Water was also delivered to Maldives by China in two military aircrafts and in a navy ship.

Apart from this, while a navy ship from Bangladesh arrived in Maldives with water, Sri Lanka has also sent water to Maldives by commercial flights. After water issue was resolved on 15 December, several countries have given financial donations to Maldives.

In that regard, governments of Malaysia, Bahrain and Japan, Batelco and a millionaire of Saudi Arabia has donated financial support to Male’ Water Crisis Management Fund.
